Wild Root Journeys
tofino beach sunset through trees BC

The West Coast has been checking up on me this week. I was told by a beautiful local soul that wolves in the treeline are doing just this… And there they were. A pack of 5 wolves in the treeline.

It was made even more apparent to me by the only Harbor Porpoises we saw who surfaced just next to me as I was telling the story of the exact moment that I fell in love with sea kayaking, while being in the exact spot off Vargas Island (Tofino) where it all happened 15 years ago. Porpoises to me are a creature of play and joy and so the serendipity of this moment ran through my whole being.

This coast is home. Here I feel rich. These are the moments that really count. I feel blessed yet again.

Let us bring ourselves to the places where moments like this may happen. Take note of your environment and what is calling you. Know that you are seen. Know that you are as important, as beautiful, and as intentional as the sunsets, the trees, the flood and ebb of the ocean. Somehow we are all here together.

Let us learn from the skies to be open.

Let us feel from the water to be fluid.

Let us ground with the rock that is weathered, and still.

Let us breath in the air that cycles through our entire being and is then released back to all our collective space.

Let our connections of this shared space give us unconditional love in knowing we are here together.

Let us be in awe, in gratitude of the simple, the intricate, the mind-blowing beauty of our natural world.