I am so pleased to share that after over a year of closures in the Pacific Rim Park and the Broken Group Islands, as of yesterday, the Tseshaht and Parks Canada have shared a reopening plan for June 4th to Sept 30. We are looking forward to working together with the Nations where we travel to and through, Parks Canada, BC guidelines, and you, our lovely outdoor seekers to bring adventure to our soul this Summer and to also, continue to help all stay safe.
An invitation to paddle the Broken Group Islands.
After a year of closures, I am so excited to get back to the Broken Group Islands. This will be unlike any year prior as the park will be limited to half capacity. The access points to the islands by the general public are also incredibly limited as the Lady Rose Ferry from Port Alberni has seized its operation, and the only land access point from Secret Beach which is owned and managed by the Tseshaht are currently closed with an unknown reopening date.
Wild Root Journeys is relaunching its Broken Group Islands Journey to start and end in Ucluelet. We are including a water taxi into our price which has not increased from last year outside of a new environmental and beach keeper fee that has been added by the Tseshaht. The Tseshaht First Nation has the sacred responsibility to look after the land, air, water, people, animals, territory, and everything within it. By working together through this Beach Keeper Fee we can ensure there is sustainability and re-investment into observing, protecting and monitoring these sacred islands.
Please have a look at the available dates, ask about private dates early and pass on the world to your favorite paddling friends. We have such a beautiful backyard to explore, I can’t wait to share it with you. Thank you so much for your continuing support and I look forward to paddling with you all this Summer.
In community,
Silke Hockemeyer
Owner | Educator | Guide

Broken Group Island Adventures on a stunning day.